Savoury breakfast for a sharp mind and a cravings-free day

Yin and yang are fundamental concepts in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). They are two complementary forces in all things, including the human body, our environment and our emotions. Yin is associated with darkness, stillness, and cold, while yang is associated with light, activity, and warmth.

Food is a powerful tool for balancing yin and yang in TCM. Certain foods have yin or yang properties, and eating the right foods at the right time can help us restore balance to our bodies.

Sugar is highly yang. We reach our most Yin state overnight, and our stomachs are empty in the morning. We want to invite the yang gently rather than abruptly. Anything we eat first thing will be digested very quickly.

Sugar and fastly digested carbs in our first meal will lead to a glucose spike, hurting our body's ability to make energy efficiently, making us more prone to:

  • Tiredness

  • Cravings

  • Bigger sugar spikes with later meals

If we are constantly delivering too much glucose too quickly to our body during a meal, this can lead to:

  • Inflammation

  • Premature ageing and wrinkles

  • Low mood

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Difficult menopausal symptoms

  • Brain fog

By swapping to a savoury breakfast we can make a big difference to how we feel.

Build your own savoury breakfast

Healthy breakfast

Changing our habits for our first meal of the day can be daunting, but I'm ready to bet that if you start building your breakfast around protein, fibre and healthy fats, the changes you’ll experience after a week will have you hooked.

If you need some inspiration, here are some of my favourite recipes:



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